Saturday, July 14, 2007

Who would you like to meet?

Had one of those, "If you could hang with anyone for a day" conversations today with a friend at work. The usual brilliant authors and historical luminaries were mentioned, but it got me thinking. Which people from history or contemporary celebrity-dom, living or dead, would I wanna really meet? Here's a partial list,
1. C. M. Kornbluth
2. Gil Scott Heron
3. O. Henry
4. Tom Jefferson (I'd call him "Tom")
5. John Lee Hooker
6. Charlie Chaplin
7. Johnny Depp
8. Hunter S. Thompson
9. Charles Bukowski
10. Lord Byron
11. Judas Iscariot
12. Jim Jarmusch
13. Henry Rollins ...("Don't do the list thing...")

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