Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The best store in the world

Everybody's Store in the town of Van Zandt (no relation to Townes Van Zandt) is my favorite retail space ever. It was started by a Phd who decided to stop lecturing about supporting small scale, locally based economies and put his ideas into practice. They sell everything from jewelry to DVDs to fresh-made sandwiches with premium ingredients. In other words, GOOD hippies. No one is ever in a hurry around there, there's no need. You can feel the magic as soon as you see the building from across the tracks. Once inside, you know you are somewhere perfect. If you can't find it here, you don't need it. Sadly, their house is for sale. I sincerely hope all is well for them.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Believing in something...

Last night on Drayton Harbor Road

A couple of years ago, I was on my way to the local reservation to buy some fireworks for the 4th of July. Two little girls that I love very much were riding along, to help pick out the proper explosives. Out of nowhere, the youngest said, "'Dad', why do people believe in God?"
Wow. And Uh-oh.
Their momma claimed Christianity.
Me, not so much.
was raised in The Church, dragged there every Sunday and sometimes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday depending on who had choir practice, bible study, vestry meetings, confirmation class, acolyte rehearsal or which god-damned Holy Day was being observed. I dutifully studied all the ways in which some foreign hobos were tortured to death 2000 years ago because I touched myself.
I came to the inescapable conclusion that Jesus and God belonged on the same shelf as the Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny and Santa. I could NOT for the life of me, figure out why my parents clung to such an obsolete and downright screaming
insane superstition. I knew better than to challenge their faith, though. My father threatened to kick my ass once, when I expressed a bit of doubt that God really wanted America to have nuclear superiority.
So what to tell the young 'uns?
'Dad' was just a nickname. I couldn't very well tell these fresh-faced kids how all religions were a steaming pile of putrid horseshit, invented by cheap scam artists too fucking lazy and dishonest to
work for their supper. Had I actually been their father... oh, hell yeah. I would have gone on at length.
Instead, I said, "The universe is a very large and frightening place. We're just tiny little ants on a blue rock spinning around some star. For lots of people, the idea that there is a friendly, dad-like, invisible creature watching out for them is very comforting. It makes them feel not so small and unimportant. I'm not one of those people."
There was maybe ten seconds of silence from the back seat, I glanced in the mirror, terrified that I'd said the wrong thing and scarred them for life.
Both faces were staring disinterestedly out their respective windows. The oldest piped up and said, "Are we almost to the fireworks place?"

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We're still empire, at least through your lifetime...

My new favorite blog for today

Check out Driftglass, found this one while image searching on google... like a PG RudePundit! With pics and good jokes!

The rain is GONE, mofo, GONE!!!!

Clouds on the run!
Wild rose getting ready....
Corkscrew willow!
Rhodies! and Bees!

Summer tomorrow, I'm so freakin' happy!
Hi, pretty girl! I love you!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


She is one of the finest singer songwriters ever.
She's been compared to Bob Dylan, Townes Van Zandt and Leonard Cohen. I have to agree, she sometimes outshines them all. This is a link to a site that contains some golden nuggets from her latest tour de force, may Ferron reign supreme forever! (At least in the broken hearts department.)

Hell YEAH!

My dawg OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!
"President Barack Obama" I loves the sound of that, in fact...
ohhh, I got shivers.
Fuck McCain, he's DOA!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

OMG, FTW!!!!111lol4evr!!1

Drive Thru

mmmm, cookie.
I want her job. If only it didn't involve being a cop.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Apparently, this is a woman?

Pure genius. This pretty much sums up language freaks for me. Why does it matter so much to these frickin' morons? It's just a cover for racism. I don't think anybody ever lay on their deathbed wishing they'd spent more time being angry in a flag shirt. I have worked with Latinos my whole life, lived with many of them too. The sad fact that my Spanish still sucks huevos is no more shameful than the fact that my good friends' English still sucks too. We communicate just fine.
We don't need to worry about who wants to live where, or what language they want to speak. We just need to sterilize all new arrivals to this country. Spay and neuter your immigrant now to prevent unwanted abuse of social services. And get yourself done while you're there at the clinic. Don't leave the Earth to future generations, let the Earth be free of future generations! Polar bears can't use flag shirts.
PS. No, your kids are great. Really. Just take 'em to the vet and get 'em fixed.