Wednesday, August 22, 2007


So I dressed as a pirate for my second wedding performance ever. The young couple understood that I didn't really believe in marriage, since not everyone is allowed to do it and I was a complete atheist, they said that's exactly what they wanted. We decided that having me dress up as the Reverend Jim Jones would be just too dark, that only people my age would appreciate the humor. I suggested dressing as a buccaneer, since that is the preferred attire for the clergy in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, they were all for it.
I rented a costume from the inimitable LaRue Costume Rental and said the words they wanted me to say, Dr. Suess style. First time I ever made a c-note-plus for ten minutes of work.
Judging by the accolades, my improvised brandishing of the pistol while asking if there were objections was the real crowd pleaser. I'm personally rather nonplussed by the whole spectacle, but several young and old Canadian hippies think I should profit from my politically religious humor. Hmmmm... sounds kinda fun. After all, I am The First High Potentate of The Unholy Church of The Godless Sinner.


Anonymous said...

making money is making money

besides. you fit the part...

Anonymous said...

do you not post comments anymore, ?????

liberal redneck said...

Sure, just not anonymous ones.

liberal redneck said...


Anonymous said...

im speechless

woolydaisy said...

looks like a grand day-they will remember it always!

Anonymous said...

"and I was a complete atheist"

apart from being a Pastafarian of course!