Saturday, April 14, 2007


I bought a fuckin' iPod. Gawd, I suck. In the past five years, I have caved harshly. After a lifetime of no cable, I got cable. Never needed a cell-phone, got one. Never used the internet, couldn't give a shit about high speed access, got it all now. And now, because I put it on a credit card I never needed before, I'll probably pay twice for this pricey little assembled-by-chinese-slave-children flimsy piece of shit. But, damn I likes it!!! So fun, so easy, this new material possession shall alleviate my ennui for hours, perhaps days. In three years, it'll be paid for. My favorite new singer to listen to on my new toy is John Eddie, doin' the bar circuit for years.
I only just learned of him from Pandora, lumped in with Slaid Cleves.
Some favorite lines:
"Well, I guess I'm fuckin' forty, I can't say that I'm thrilled, I never dated Winona Ryder and I probably never will...but Bruce Springsteen's fuckin' fifty-three and The Stones are almost dead..."
"Daddy hit the bottle, mama hit the roof, guess they hit it off, I'm livin' proof...Jesus cut me down from the family tree"
"Play some Skynyrd..."
Seriously, the music is only cheap-beer-vinyl-covered-barstool American country-rock, but the lyrics are genius! Check him out.

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