Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cherry Blossoms

Can't seem to get a good blue sky, but sometimes ya gotta go ride the bike and click away despite the cold gray weather... that... never... ends...
I know, be patient and Summer will be your reward, but why can't it be here now?? Right NOW?? Bah.
Snackbar the goose has been cast aside by his posse (as happens every spring), he's taken to following everyone everywhere.
I just had to snap his portrait, he was so weirdly friendly today.

Playing with the autofocus, learning my way around just that one feature is so much easier than reading the 130 page manual for this insanely complex little machine.

Nettles are edible. I was vaguely aware of that, but had never heard of anyone eating them, the fact they sting you is a little off-putting. John sez ya just gotta blanch 'em some, good "nutty" flavor. Hmmmm.
Tree seems fond of rock. A cross-elemental romance? Tree is probably just saying, "Excuse me, you're stepping on my roots."

"Damn paparazzi." he mutters to himself


Jen-Jenny-Jennifer said...

"Vulch" is one of my favs. It brings up visions of some giant bald eagle diving and snatching up a yippy kick dog in front of it's owner (preferably a 20 something mall whore). And as for the Tao Te Ching? I'm already there, dude! Which I really prefer to that buybullshit, but I'm playing along. Great pix today, as always!

Jen-Jenny-Jennifer said...

What's the deal on Snackbar? I thought he was one of those offensive plastic jobs my in-laws have tons of. But then I looked a little closer . . . I might have to steel that first one of him, I love it!

Anonymous said...

wow great pictures, excellant writing. yep nettles are edible, have eaten them myself. saute them in butter or whatever, add some spice and , dinner!