Thursday, June 28, 2007

Crowd Control

The Belfast Telegraph talks about the elephants in the room. Us.

"a rational view would be that along with a raft of measures to reduce the footprint per person, the issue of population management must be addressed.
"In practice, of course, it is a bombshell of a topic, with profound and emotive issues of ethics, morality, equity and practicability. So controversial is the subject, that it has become the Cinderella of the great sustainability debate - rarely visible in public, or even in private. In interdisciplinary meetings addressing how the planet functions as an integrated whole, demographers and population specialists are usually notable by their absence.
I'm of the mindset that the problem is what could be called a "self-correcting" one. Unbalanced populations of any species tend to die in large numbers and quickly, when the food runs out. Too bad for the planet we're omnivores.

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