Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Still Get Shocked Sometimes

I'm a pretty cynical bastard, I'm the first to admit it. Deep down I'm still an idealistic romantic, I suppose that's what causes the cynicism in the first place. I always hope for the best from my fellow primates yet am hardly ever surprised by stupid, depraved behavior.
This one though, is a whole new, seriously, seriously fucked-up kind of batshit screaming crazy.
A twenty year old preacher microwaved his two-month old daughter, then had sex with his wife while in the interrogation room at the police station. His defense attorney's are arguing against the jury at his trial finding out about the sex thing, on the grounds it might ...prejudice... the... jury.
Wow. I'm in mouth-agape, pale-faced, slumped-against-the-wall awe. Sheer freaking awe.
PS: The defense also pleads insanity.
YA THINK???????????


woolydaisy said...

effin funckin A. that takes the cake. is this for real? people do shock me these days-and i'm pretty unshockable. more like disgusted in the human race.

Jen-Jenny-Jennifer said...

I'm so disturbed I can barely type out the letters. I'm far from mother of the year, but at least when my 7-year-old daughter decides to take a Sharpie to her brother's bedroom walls, the first thought that comes to mind is NOT "go get in the microwave!"

woolydaisy said...

and what about the mom who threw her 6 and 8 year old off the freeway bridge then jumps herself. sometimes i wish the world would just explode!