Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ken's Completely Made Up on a Whim Curry

For "Turbo":
2 cups dried organic garbanzo beans
6 cups red lentils
2 Tbsp pomace olive oil
2 tsp salt
1/4 cup mild red curry paste
1 16 oz can "lite" coconut milk
soy sauce to taste
Tapatio Salsa Picante Hot Sauce to taste
dry yellow curry powder
Cover garbanzos with adequate water, add 1 tsp of the salt and 1 Tbsp of the oil.
Bring to boil, reduce heat, simmer two plus hours, until garbs are brown, soft and sugary.
Drain and set aside without rinsing.
Just before garbs are done, start the red lentils. Again, cover with adequate water ("Mt Fuji" method, place palm flat on rice or lentils and cover with water 'til your middle knuckle resembles the slopes of Mt Fuji) and add remaining salt and oil. Boil, then simmer until lentils start to fall apart, twenty plus minutes after heat is reduced.
Add cooked and drained garbanzos, coconut milk, red curry paste and simmer five more minutes. Season with soy sauce, curry powder and Tapatio hot sauce, garnish with cilantro and serve over saffron rice.


woolydaisy said...

sounds delish-just might have to make me some.

Jen-Jenny-Jennifer said...

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Between the homicidal balloon and this bangin' recipe . . . you've given me reason to smile today. Always there to ruin a bad mood, aren't you. :) Thanks dude!